Definition of Bubble over

1. Verb. Overflow with a certain feeling. "My boss was bubbling over with anger"

Exact synonyms: Overflow, Spill Over
Generic synonyms: Boil, Seethe

Definition of Bubble over

1. Verb. (idiomatic) To be very enthusiastic, or highly excited ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bubble Over

bubble baths
bubble blower
bubble car
bubble cars
bubble chamber
bubble chambers
bubble dance
bubble gum
bubble gum dermatitis
bubble gums
bubble jet printer
bubble level
bubble levels
bubble over
bubble pack
bubble pipe
bubble position
bubble positions
bubble shell
bubble shells
bubble sort
bubble sorts
bubble tea
bubble team
bubble teams
bubble teas
bubble up
bubble wand

Literary usage of Bubble over

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Sailing of a Refugee Ship: A Little Record of the Voyage of the Principe by Arno Behnke (1914)
"... first prevailed grew less, and finally this gave way to a general feeling of relief and ease, so that the ship began to bubble over with good spirits. ..."

2. A Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy: Embracing the General by William Chauvenet (1863)
"... bubble over any given number of divisions is observed. ... to a motion (of the circle and level together) which carries time bubble over a given number ..."

3. Elements of Composition and Rhetoric: With Copious Exercises in Both by Virginia Waddy (1889)
"You would have thought the wind was playing a polka among the trees, so gayly did the fountain dance and bubble over the rocks. ..."

4. The Civil Engineer's Pocket-book by John Cresson Trautwine (1907)
"Remember that to raise the Y, and the end of the bubble over w, to, the lower w must be loosened ; and the upper one tightened ; and vice versa. ..."

5. The Principles and Practice of Surveying by Charles Blaney Breed, George Leonard Hosmer (1908)
"It is done by centering the bubble over one pair of leveling screws, and turning the instrument 180° about the vertical axis. If the bubble does not remain ..."

6. A Manual of Spherical and Astronomy: Embracing the General Problems of by William Chauvenet (1864)
"The level is placed on the bar, and the number of turns of the foot-screw necessary to carry the bubble over any given number of divisions is observed. ..."

7. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1833)
"Hence the equation of work and energy is or or (7), P = 2T; (8)- This, therefore, is the excess of the pressure of the air within the bubble over that of ..."

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